Lucknow: Police have busted a racket collecting Rs 10 lakh each from job seekers in the name of interviews for employment in the Income Tax Department in Uttar Pradesh's capital Lucknow on Tuesday, officials said. A woman said to be the kingpin of the scam and two officials of the department have been detained when they were conducting the fake interviews in the canteen of the IT building and a case has been registered.
According to sources, on Tuesday, a group of young men and women suddenly started gathering in the canteen of the Direct Tax building of the Income Tax Headquarters in the afternoon. On being suspicious, some employees and officers of the department's IT cell questioned the youths, who said that an interview was going on in the canteen.
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The IT officials brought the matter to the notice of the higher officials, who rushed to the spot and caught a woman identified as Priyanka Mishra and two Income Tax officers of the department involved in the racket. Fake appointment letters, seal of Income Tax Department and other documents have been recovered from the accused.
It has come to the fore that the accused took Rs 10 lakh from each applicant in lieu of “appointment” in the IT Department. According to Inspector Akhilesh Kumar Mishra, no complaint has been received in this regard. On receipt of a complaint, further action will be taken by filing a case.