Kanpur: A 33-year-old man from Meerut, who had attended the Tablighi Jamaat meeting in Delhi last month and had tested positive for COVID-19, allegedly created ruckus at the Sarsaul Community Health Centre in Uttar Pradesh's Kanpur city, where he had been quarantined.
He was shifted here from the Rama Medical College in Mandhana in Kanpur.
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"Not only, he created ruckus, but he spit on a doctor and bolted the room from inside demanding better hospitality," said Medical Superintendent S. L. Verma.
The matter escalated to such an extent that the police had to be called in to control the patient. The man who had come to the city recently, had attended Tablighi Jamaat meeting in Delhi.
"On Friday, he was put under quarantine at the Rama Medical College as a precautionary measure," said the health official.
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