Lucknow: In the wake of Congress President Rahul Gandhi's announcement of giving Rs 6000 per month to the poor section, if comes to power, the senior leader of BJP's Kisan Morcha Sudhir Tyagi has commented that Congress has always been misleading the public.
In an interview with ETV Bharat, Tyagi said, "It's good if Rahul Gandhi gives Rs 6000 to the poor but the question arises is from where will he will give it."
He further added: "In competition with PM Modi's scheme to give Rs 6,000 annually to the farmers, Rahul has taken this step."
Sudhir Tyagi hails from Uttar Pradesh where the farmers have been most benefitted by the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. Following which, Sudhir Tyagi is confident that the BJP will get the benefit of it in the Lok Sabha elections and farmers will support them.
On being asked about the issue of arrears of sugarcane farmers, he said, "Before the closure of the mills, the outstanding amount of all the farmers will be paid, otherwise the mill owners will be jailed."