Rampur: In the hate speech case in which SP leader Azam Khan had to lose his legislature seat in UP Assembly on October 27, 2022, the court acquitted him on Wednesday. During the Lok Sabha elections in the year 2019, addressing a meeting in the Milak assembly constituency, Azam Khan gave an allegedly objectionable speech. After that, a complaint was lodged in the police station by BJP leader Akash Saxena.
The matter had reached the MP MLA court of Rampur in Uttar Pradesh. The court convicted Azam Khan and sentenced him to three years imprisonment last year. After this, Azam Khan had to lose his MLA post in the Legislative Assembly of the State. Apart from this, his right to vote was also taken away. After this by-elections were held for the Rampur assembly constituency.
After the MP MLA court gave that verdict, Azam Khan appealed against the decision once again in the same court. Hearing this, the court acquitted him. He has got a big relief from the earlier order of the court. This decision of the hate speech case from the MP MLA court came when the political scene of Rampur has been changing significantly.
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In this case, the by-elections were held after Azam Khan lost his assembly membership. BJP's Akash Saxena won in the by-election. After this, the legislature membership of Azam Khan's son Abdullah Azam, who was the MLA from Suar seat, was also gone following his conviction in a case. Apna Dal SK candidate Shafiq Ahmad Ansari registered a landslide victory in the by-election for Suar seat.