Mathura: A 54-year-old man died as a pack of monkeys attacked him on the terrace of his house in Uttar Pradesh's Mathura on Sunday. The man was identified as Shiv Lal Chaturvedi, a resident of Bengali Ghat's Maru Gali. Shiv Lal was walking on the terrace of the third floor of his house when suddenly a group of monkeys attacked him, in order to escape from them he slipped from the third floor and suffered grievous injuries. Immediately, Shiv Lal was rushed to a hospital by the locals where the doctor declared him brought dead, a local resident said.
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Locals said that the menace of monkeys is at its peak in Mathura, every day monkeys are attacking people and as a result, people are sustaining injuries. Many people have so far lost their lives due to the attack of monkeys, but the administration is not able to curb the monkey menace.
They alleged that the Mathura Vrindavan Municipal Corporation launched a campaign to catch monkeys some time ago, but that was halted abruptly. The strength of monkeys is increasing day by day. Due to the menace of monkeys, it has become difficult for people to leave their houses.