Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, a UKG student died when his teacher hit him on the head with a slate in Hyderabad. Hemant was studying at Krishnaveni Talent School in Vivek Nagar of Ramanthapur in the city. The boy fell unconscious when the teacher hit the boy on the head with a slate for not doing his homework on Saturday. The school management immediately took the boy to a nearby private hospital, but he died on Sunday while undergoing treatment there.
Enraged over the death of the boy, parents and relatives staged a protest in front of the school with the body. However, they withdrew their agitation when the management promised to render justice to the family. They shifted the body to Wanaparthy in Telangana for the last rites. It is reported that Hemant has been suffering from health problems for some time now.
Also read: Boy ends life after receiving fake message in the name of NCRB
Ironically, incidents relating to tin tots are being reported time and again. Teachers, who are supposed to nurture and care for the kids sometimes resort to harsh punishments without realising the consequences. It's high time that teachers act responsibly as the lives of children are precious and their kith and kin will not bear the loss of their dear ones. Though being strict is necessary, teachers should not cross the limits as the kids can learn in the meantime.