Telangana: In a shocking incident, a 13-year-old girl was allegedly raped and impregnated by her two neighbours identified as Ravi Kumar and Srikanth. The incident happened two months ago in a village in the Koilkonda zone in Telangana's Narayanpet district.
According to Narayanpet police, the accused took her forcibly into her house in the absence of her family members and raped her one after the other. They threatened her not to tell this to anybody or they would harm her. The minor girl remained silent out of fear.
The incident came to light when the victim recently fell sick and her mother took her to a doctor. The doctor examined her and revealed that she was pregnant. On being questioned by her mother, the victim narrated the incident.
Also watch: Telangana: Two youngsters arrested for raping minor in Nizamabad
The devasted mother lodged a complaint to the police on this matter. Police registered a case and arrested the accused Ravi Kumar and Srikanth. SI Seenaish said that the accused accepted their crime and were arrested in the case.