Hyderabad: A group of Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) workers ransacked the residence of BJP MP Dharmapuri Arvind in Hyderabad on Friday over some personal remarks made by him against Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and his daughter and party MLC K Kavitha. The ruling party workers barged into the Nizamabad MP's house in Banjara Hills, broke window panes and ransacked the house. They raised slogans against Arvind and burnt his effigy. They vented their ire over Aravind's personal comments against KCR and Kavitha. The police personnel tried to prevent the TRS workers, who were carrying the TRS flags.
Also read: BJP MP Arvind booked for 'abusing' Telangana Chief Minister KCR
Reportedly, some of them managed to barge into the house and damage window panes with stones and sticks. Arvind was not present at his house at the time of the incident. One of the security personnel sustained a minor injury. About 30 TRS workers were arrested by the police. In the wake of the attack by TRS activists in Hyderabad, the police beefed up security at the MP's house. Following the incident at his residence, Arvind took to Twitter and wrote tagging Prime Minister Narendra Modi, "At the behest of KCR, KTR and Kavitha, TRS goons attacked my residence and vandalized the house. They terrorized my mother & created a ruckus."