Hyderabad (Telangana) : Telangana Police have arrested and booked two persons for allegedly raping a woman on Sunday night, it informed. The police have registered a case against the accused persons-- identified as Ibrahim Baig alias Addu and Mirza Omer Baig alias Zubair-- under the section 376D, 376 (2) (L) of the Indian Penal Code at the Chatrinaka Police Station area.
According to the police, the accused persons raped the woman in the burial ground of Ghulam Murtuza Chawni on October 30 and fled from the place. The police were intimated by the locals who noticed the woman and took her to the Chatrinaka police station.
As per the information, Addu was arrested at GM Chawni while Zubair was held from Quadri Chaman on Monday (October 31). The accused have been produced before the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate court at Nampally. (ANI)