Hyderabad: A man got locked inside the newly launched Vande Bharat Express between Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam. The man entered a coach of the train at Rajahmundry railway station to take a look and click photos. The automated doors locked once the train started. The man remained locked inside till the next station.
The stranded man pleaded with the TTE and train staff to open the doors but to no avail. The travel ticket examiner (TTE) scolded the man. A video has surfaced online where the man can be seen trying to unlock the automatic doors of the semi-automatic train. When the TTE questioned him, he replied that he just wanted to take a picture of the train. The TTE clarified to the man that the doors will only unlock at the next station in Vijayawada.
Also read: West Bengal: Stones pelted at Vande Baharat express for third time
"Why did you come inside to take a picture? Do you have any idea about what you did? You can't open the door for six hours. It will stop next in Vijayawada. Now enjoy the journey," said the TTE. "You could have taken pictures from outside the train or from another angle. Now you have to travel unnecessarily for six hours on the train," said another train official.