Hyderabad: Telangana police arrested a police constable for allegedly threatening and sexually assaulting a woman in the City on Wednesday. Police said the suspect was working in the Special Branch of Hyderabad Police, and the victim was his neighbour in Saidabad area for the past eight years.
Meerpet Police also claimed that the victim was earlier in a relationship with the suspect until sometime ago. In February 2021, the woman preferred a complaint against the suspect. The complaint progressed into a criminal case against him which in turn led to his suspension which was in force until six months ago.
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Earlier in August, after rejoining in the service, the constable walked into the woman's house and sexually assaulted her after threatening to upload certain intimate videos of the woman in social media, the police quoted the victim to have stated in her recent complaint against the cop.
In a repeat of the August episode, the constable barged into the victim's residence on November 14 and attempted to sexually assault her. The woman, however, resisted his attempts. She later filed a complaint against the cop at Meerpet police and the constable was arrested.