Hayathnagar: In a shocking incident, a woman sold her 16-year-old daughter and pushed her into prostitution in the Hayathnagar area of Telangana's Khammam district. The girl somehow escaped from the sleazehole and approached the police, following a case being registered into the incident. The victim said she was sold by her mother to another woman in April last year.
The woman who bought her took her home in Warangal Crossroads of Khammam city. The girl said she was tortured by the woman and her husband who forcefully sent her to different villages for prostitution. The victim said she had to bear the harrowing experience for nearly seven months. On November 10, the couple also snatched away her golden earrings, silver bracelets, and cash, and beat her severely.
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She said she somehow escaped from Khammam and came to her sister's home who resides in Hayathnagar and narrated her ordeal. On the 23rd, the prostitution racket members reached the girl's sister's home and forced them to tell the whereabouts of the girl, claiming that she has stolen their ornaments and escaped.
When they did not reveal the details, the accused threatened to kill her wherever she appeared. The victim, fearing for her life, approached the police on Thursday. The Hayathnagar police have registered a 'zero' FIR and transferred the case to the concerned police station, while the matter is being investigated further.