Hyderabad (Telangana): Liquor, jewellery, precious metals, freebies and cash all worth more than Rs 307 crore were confiscated after the model code of conduct came into force in Telangana. The Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of the state, Vikas Raj, said the total value of seized cash, liquor, intoxicants, gold, silver, ornaments and freebies since the model code of conduct came into force was worth over Rs 307 crore.
In the last 24 hours, the total seizures worth Rs 69 crore in cash were made and the overall Rs 105.58 crore cash were impounded since the poll code came into force. The liquor worth Rs 35 lakhs was seized on Friday morning. The total value of seized goods was Rs 13.58 crore. Altogether 232 kg ganja worth Rs 72 lakhs were impounded in the last 24 hours. Overall, 3,672 kg of ganja worth Rs 15.23 crore was seized.
Whereas, gold and silver jewellery worth Rs 3.81 crore was seized during the last 24 hours. Precious metals such as 202 kg of gold, 894 kg of silver, 190 carats of diamonds and five grams of platinum have been seized so far. Its value is Rs 145.67 crore. Freebies worth Rs 26.93 crore were also seized. Telangana will go to polls on November 30 and results will be declared on December 3.