Hyderabad (Telangana): While revellers guzzling liquor and having fun celebrating New Year, the excise department in Telangana earned Rs 215.74 crore on New Year's eve as 2,17,399 cartons of liquor and 1,28,446 cartons of beer were moved to the shops on the New Year's eve.
Liquor worth Rs.171.93 crore was supplied on New Year's eve last year. Liquor worth Rs 43 crore more was sold during the year-end sales. Liquor sales of Rs 1,111.29 crore have been made from December 25 to December 31 alone in comparison to Rs 925.92 crore of liquor sales during the same period last year.
According to the statistics provided by the excise department, liquor of almost Rs 185 crore more was sold this year in comparison to last year. Two hours of extra time were given for sale in wine shops just like last year which increased the sale of the hard liquor and beer. Traffic police in Hyderabad also conducted drink and drive checks in Greater Hyderabad.