Keshavagiri: In a shocking incident, a fake 'baba', who claimed that he would “drive away demons”,sexually assaulted a housewife in the name of worship in Keshavagiri district of Telangana, the woman alleged. A police official said that the alleged sexual assault has taken place in July this year and came to light recently after the woman lodged a complaint with the concerned police station in this regard.
The accused has has fled to Maharashtra even as a manhunt is on to nab him. The woman, 21, from the Hussaini Alam area said that she had a love marriage with a man from the Talabkatta Bhavani Nagar area three months ago. She said that a few days after her marriage, her health deteriorated. Suspecting that she was possessed by evil spirits, her husband first took her to a baba in Barkatpura and performed pooja at her mother's suggestion, she said.
However, in the first week of July, as there was no result, she was taken to Tantrik Mazhar Khan (30) in Old Basti Bandlaguda Rahmatnagar, the woman said. She said that the baba said that she was possessed by five “demons” saying that a special worship should be held to get rid of them. According to the woman, the baba first came to Talabkatta and inspected the victim's house.
He then asked the couple to come to his house in Bandlaguda. The woman said that the baba told her husband to tie a thread around her waist and to tie a cloth around her eyes. After doing so, he sent her husband out as part of the “worship”. The woman said that baba made her lie down and poured oil on her body.
He then stripped himself, smeared oil all over her body, and sexually assaulted her, the woman alleged. “He then asked to wash the body with milk and put on new clothes. He warned not to tell anyone about the puja that took place here, as it would cause trouble,” the woman said. The woman said that on returning home, she told everything to her family and wanted to complain to the police, but the family members stopped and locked her in a room.
After 10 days, she told the matter to her sister after which the family filed a complaint in the police station. Inspector Amjad Ali immediately registered a case and started an investigation into the matter. Police said that the fake baba Mazhar Khan escaped to Maharashtra after learning about the complaint. The Bhavani Nagar police has transferred the case to Bandlaguda police station on the 22nd of this month.
Further investigation into the matter is going on.