Hyderabad: Former Union Minister and senior Congress leader Renuka Chowdhury were seen on Thursday assaulting a Hyderabad police personnel by grabbing the collar of the on-duty officer. The former MP held the cop's collar in a vice-like grip when the police tried to stop her from heading towards Raj Bhavan in Telangana amid protests over the summons issued to Rahul Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi by Enforcement Directorate (ED) pertaining to the National Herald case, in which Rahul Gandhi is to be summoned for a fourth day on Friday.
The shocking incident of high-handedness took place near Hyderabad's Raj Bhavan on Thursday during the "Gherao Raj Bhavan" protest called by Congress. Senior party leader Renuka Chowdhury who was also participating in the protest was obstructed by the Hyderabad police when she tried marching toward Raj Bhavan. At that point, the former Union Minister grabbed the collar of the on-duty sub-inspector in an intimidatory style, following which she was taken away by the female police personnel after much jostling.
Also read: Renuka Chowdhury slams Jairam Ramesh, says Azad's Padma Vibhushan matter of pride for Cong
Meanwhile, Police have arrested Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) president Revanth Reddy, Congress Legislature Party (CLP) leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka and others in the incident.