Hyderabad: A case against a District Congress Committee (DCC) president in Telangana was registered for allegedly raping a 45-year-old woman here, police said on Tuesday. The woman, in a complaint, said she met the accused in 2020 in Narayanpet District and he tried to get close to her under the pretext of love. He expressed his intention to marry her. When she asked him about his existing marriage, he said his wife is critically ill and she would not survive beyond three years, and so needed a woman to take care of him.
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The man tied a "yellow thread" signifying that they were married as per Hindu rituals, the woman said in the complaint. She further said the man called her to a hotel here for a discussion, where he allegedly raped her. Later, he told her he has taken photographs of her and said he would post them on the internet if she did not pay heed to his demands, police said, based on her complaint.
Following the complaint , the police on Saturday last booked the 58-year-old man under relevant IPC sections for allegedly raping and threatening the woman to post her private photos on the internet, a police official said. Probe is on, he added.