Hyderabad (Telangana): A Delhi police team arrived here and arrested Muntazim alias Moosa (31), the main accused in the murder case of Intelligence Bureau (IB) officer Ankit Sharma. The IB officer's killing created a sensation at the time of the 2020 riots in Delhi. The Delhi police, who have been on the hunt since February 2020, arrested the accused at a location in Gayatrinagar in the Meerpet area in Hyderabad on Monday.
According to police, Moosa came to Hyderabad and stayed in a rented house at Gayatrinagar and was selling goats locally. Already, 10 people have been arrested in Ankit Sharma's murder case. A reward of Rs 50,000 was announced on Moosa, who has been on the run. His wife works in a beauty parlour in Vijayawada and makes visits to Hyderabad once a week.
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Mumtazim aka Moosa, who hails from Chandbagh in Delhi, earlier worked as a private employee locally. He was one of the accused in the case in which IB officer Ankit Sharma was brutally murdered in a mob attack near Chandbagh Puliya during the February 25, 2020 riots in Northeast Delhi. The body was dumped in a nearby sewer.
Post-mortem revealed that Ankit Sharma was stabbed 52 times with a sharp knife. Taking the case as a challenge, the police investigated and found that Moosa was among the group that was responsible for the brutal murder. Following a series of arrests, in this case, Moosa escaped from Delhi and arrived to live in a secret location in Hyderabad.