Hyderabad: In a shocking incident reported from Hyderabad, the capital of the Telangana, a16-year-old girl belonging to the SC community was allegedly gang-raped by three men under the influence of ganja, police said on Tuesday. According to the police and the victim's family member, at around 9 pm on Monday, at least eight men barged into the house of the victim's elder sister where she was currently staying, the relatives said.
According to the relatives, three of the men took the girl to the 3rd floor of the house and gang-raped her under the influence of ganja after threatening to kill her with a knife. While the three accused sexually assaulted the girl, the four others threatened her younger brother and the children present inside the house at the time, the relatives alleged.
Also read: Woman alleges gang-rape by two youths in UP, police launch probe
Relatives of the girl said that the girl screamed loudly after which the accused ran away. The victim's sister, who came to know about the matter, approached the Mirpet police and lodged a complaint with the police to demand justice. A police official at the Mirpet Police station said that following the complaint, a case was registered into the mattter and investigation is underway.
After medical examination, the girl was shifted to Sakhi Center for rehabilitation, the official said. It is learnt that the minor girl, originally hailing from Hyderabad's Lalbazar area, had shifted to the house of her elder sister 15 days ago in Mirpet with her brother, who is 14 years old after the death of her parents.
After shifting to the house of her sister in Mirpet, the minor girl has been working at a garment shop in Dilsukhnagar while her younger brother works with a private employer.