Chennai: A special CBI court on Tuesday sentenced the manager of the Union Bank of India at Anna Nagar in Chennai to 12 years jail term and also imposed a fine of Rs 2 lakh on him in a case related to fraud.
The bank manager, Kannan was convicted for cheating, forgery, criminal breach of trust and other sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
Special Judge Jawahar also convicted Anurag Jain, the owner of National Medicine Company and bank official Manjula for conspiracy.
According to sources, a case was filed against the bank officials Kannan, Manjula, Nareshkumar, Parvathi Ramakrishnan and Anurag Jayan on the charges that Union Bank had incurred a loss of Rs 6.19 crores in 2009.
While Jain has been sentenced for 10 years in jail with Rs 4 lakhs fine, Manjula sentenced to 2 years imprisonment with 1 lakh fine. Parvathi Ramakrishnan also jailed for 6 years with 1 lakh fine, sources said.