Chennai: Flagging the arrest of 17 Tamil Nadu fishermen by Sri Lanka, Chief Minister M K Stalin on Thursday urged the Centre to secure their immediate release. Writing to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, Stalin said, "earlier today, three mechanised boats and 17 Tamil Nadu fishermen were apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy, allegedly for crossing the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) into Sri Lankan waters."
Stalin requested him to take up immediate diplomatic efforts to secure their release. "These fishermen, who rely on fishing as their primary and sole source of livelihood, sometimes find themselves unintentionally drifting into Sri Lankan waters due to the absence of clear demarcation and navigational challenges."
Recurring incidents of apprehension of Tamil Nadu fishermen by Sri Lankan Navy continues to aggravate the atmosphere of fear and uncertainty among fishermen. The arrest of fishermen by Sri Lankan Navy has escalated tensions, disrupted lives, and caused economic hardship to the fishermen and their families. The CM reiterated his demand for a lasting diplomatic solution to bring peace in the lives of thousands of Indian fishermen. (PTI)