Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Tuesday called upon the police to step up vigil against those spreading violence or hate through social media and take appropriate action against them. The sale of drugs and gutka should be completely weeded out, and steps should be taken to eliminate illicit liquor sales too, he said.
"The district level officials should take stern action on those peddling drugs or gutka and submit an action taken report to the principal secretary, home department, who, in consultation with the Chief Secretary, would take further action," Stalin said while reviewing the law and order situation with the senior revenue and police officials in the northern districts of Chengalpattu, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur.
The people and students, as well, should be sensitised on road safety in order to bring down accidents in the state. Steps should be taken to prevent crimes against children and women, he said at the meeting held at the state Institute of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj at suburban Maraimalai Nagar.
Chief Secretary Shiv Das Meena, Principal Secretary, Home Department, P Amudha, Director General of Police Shankar Jiwal and ADGP (law and order) A Arun were among those who participated.