Thoothukudi (Tamil Nadu): The District Court on Friday has ordered a 15 days remand for three police officials-Inspector Sridhar, Sub-inspector Balakrishnan and Constable Murugan in Perurani Jail in connection with the alleged custodial deaths of a father and son.
These three police officials were taken for medical check-up and were then appeared before the court. Earlier, the CB-CID arrested Inspector Sridhar on Thursday morning in connection with the alleged custodial deaths of Jayaraj and Bennix.
Also Read: An analysis of custodial deaths in India!
The father-son duo was brutally tortured in custody and died as a result. The Inspector has been charged under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code. A total of five policemen have been arrested so far in connection to the incident.
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The CB-CID arrested three more policemen, Sub Inspector Balakrishnan and constables Muthuraj and Murugan. Sub Inspector Ragu Ganesh, who was under suspension, was arrested on Wednesday. Jayaraj (59) and his son J Benicks (31), were arrested on June 19 and lodged in Kovilpatti sub-jail for keeping their mobile phone shop in the Sathankulam main bazaar area open during a curfew imposed during coronavirus lockdown.
They were admitted to the Kovilpatti government hospital on June 22. While the son died on the same night, the father breathed his last on June 23 morning.
Also Read: Tamil Nadu custodial deaths: 4 more cops arrested on murder charges, locals celebrate