Chennai: Students hailing from Tamil Nadu, who were stuck in war-torn Ukraine have begun returning home with 17 students landing in Chennai on Sunday, officials said. According to the officials, five students landed at the Chennai airport where they were welcomed by the Non-residential Tamilians Welfare Minister Senji Masthan on behalf of the state government. Another 12 students are expected to arrive by evening, officials said.
The students who returned home today include Shakir Abubakar from Chennai, Hari Hara Sudhan from Thiruvallikeni, Selva Priya from Aranthangi, and Vaishnav from Theni. Hari Hara while talking to the press said it was a tedious process to cross the Ukrainian border into Romania even as he thanked the Indian authorities and Chief Minister M K Stalin for evacuating them safely.
Previously, 11 students from Kerala also landed at the Chennai airport from Ukraine and were also received by the Tamil Nadu government officials. They are about to return to their hometown in Kerala by today evening.
Pertinently, over 1000 students from Tamil Nadu were stuck in Ukraine.