Chennai: After the Central government's notification, the state governments of Tamil Nadu and Kerala both issued orders declaring the Popular Front of India (PFI) and its associates or affiliates or fronts as an unlawful association on Thursday. With these notifications, PFI becomes a banned organization in these two states too.
The central government on Wednesday put a ban on the Popular Front of India and several of its associates under a stringent anti-terror law, accusing them of having "links" with global terror groups like ISIS. Organizations like the Rehab India Foundation, Campus Front of India, All India Imams Council, National Confederation of Human Rights Organisation, National Women's Front, Junior Front, Empower India Foundation, and Rehab Foundation, Kerala are also banned under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).
Also read: Govt bans PFI, associates for alleged terror activities
As informed by the Home Ministry officials, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, and Gujarat state governments had also recommended a ban on PFI. Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Assam welcomed the decision, saying PFI was posing threat to the country's unity and integrity. The opposition Congress in Kerala and its coalition partner Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) also welcomed the Centre's move but said the RSS should also be similarly outlawed.