Chennai: In a tragic accident, an eight-year-old boy in Class II in a private school was killed inside his school campus on Monday as the school bus that dropped him off ran over the kid while reversing the vehicle. The deceased was identified as VJ Dheeksheth from Kaliamman Koil Street in Virugambakkam, Chennai. Police have arrested the driver of the school bus.
Dheeksheth was studying Class II in Valasarawalkam's Sri Venkateshwara Matriculation school. On Monday, as was his routine, Dheeksheth went to school on his school bus. He got off the bus at the school's playground and went to his class. Realizing that he had forgotten a notebook on the bus, he came back to retrieve it. Unaware that the child had just stepped into the bus, the driver started the bus which allegedly led to Dheeksheth losing balance. He slipped and fell under the bus and was run over by it.
On hearing about the child's death, police officers from Valasarawalkam police station rushed to the spot and sent the body for postmortem. As part of the investigation, cops arrested Poongavanam, who was the driver of the bus. Meanwhile, the District officer of the Department of School Education has also launched an investigation into the death.