Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu): The Tamil Nadu Police have arrested one more person in connection with the Coimbatore car blast. Afsar Khan (28), was arrested on Wednesday night. Khan is a relative of Jamesha Mubin, who died in the blast on Sunday. Initially, the explosion was thought to be an accident but there have been multiple twists in the case and much shocking information has come out to light.
The police had already arrested five men Mohammad Talha (25), Mohammad Azharuddin (23) Mohammad Riaz (27), Firoz Ismail (27), and Mohammad Nawaz Ismail (26) in the car explosion case. They were booked under section 153 A UAPA Act (Unlawful Activities Prevention).
Also read: Coimbatore car blast: CM Stalin recommends NIA probe in security meeting
Afsar Khan was being interrogated by the special police forces before being arrested on Wednesday. Khan works as an electrician. He is married and has two children. He decided to implement this plan two years ago and bought raw materials for making bombs through various e-commerce websites. Police said that "the accused have collected various information on YouTube about detonating the cylinder in the car."