Vellore (Tamil Nadu): A pall of gloom descended in Chinna Allahpuram where a 49-year-old man and his 13-year-old daughter died of suffocation after their e-bike went up in flames, in Vellore district, during the small hours on Saturday. Police said the deceased identified as Duraivarma and his daughter Mohana Preethi, were found dead inside the toilet.
Police Duraivarma, a professional videographer, had taken delivery of Okinawa Okhi e-scooter three days ago. He had left it plugged in for charging overnight inside the house. The bike had caught fire and the smoke has filled in the entire hall. As the hallway was narrow and the bike was already on fire, they could not leave the house, police added.
Neighbours who woke up to the billowing smoke alerted the fire and rescue service personnel and the police. The lifeless bodies of the father and daughter recovered from the toilet were moved to the Vellore government hospital for a postmortem.