Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu): The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has extended its probe into the Coimbatore car blast case to Karnataka and Kerala following clues on involvement of some people from these states in the planned suicide attack, sources said. The NIA officials have already inspected the car explosion site in front of Eswaran Temple in Ukkadam Fort, Coimbatore.
In view of the terror angle, the car explosion case has been handed over to the NIA for further investigation. In this case, the NIA authorities have decided to take 6 accused currently lodged in Coimbatore Central Jail into custody and interrogate them. They are going to file a petition in Chennai Poonamallee court. The NIA officials are also doing the work of transferring them to Puzhal Jail in Chennai.
In the early hours of October 23, Jameesha Mubin (28) was killed when a cylinder exploded inside his Maruthi car. In the investigation conducted by the police department, it was found that there were many nails and bullets in the blast site. Subsequently, the police suspected a possible terror link and raided Jameesha Mubin's house and seized 75 kg of explosives.
Also Read: Coimbatore blast: CCTV footage of cylinder being carried to car emerges
Later, the police arrested 6 people from Ukkadam area - Mohammad Talka, Mohammad Azharuddin, Mohammad Riaz, Peroz Ismail, Mohammad Nawaz Ismail and Apsar Khan. After 3 days of police custody, they have been detained in Coimbatore Central Jail.
The NIA investigation into the diaries and other documents seized at Mubin's house so far revealed that there were mentions about jihad and idol worship in them. The car was blown up in front of Eswaran temple in the alleged cylinder blast. Their actual plan was to attack the Puliyakulam Vinayagar temple, source said.
Now that the Coimbatore blast was part of a planned suicide attack, the NIA has intensified its probe. Because there are people from Kerala and Karnataka behind this, the NIA officials have gone in search of them. Some links are traced to contacts in Manguluru as well. It was found after the blast that the deceased Jameesha Mubin had more than 15 nails on his body.