Jaipur: After the Rajasthan High Court in an interim order on Monday allowed private schools to charge up to 70 per cent of fees in three instalments, up to January, during the time of school closures due to COVID-19, state education Minister Govind Singh Dotasara said, the HC's order is welcome but the schools taking online classes should make sure that they complete the syllabus once they reopen.
"We are studying the decision of the High Court but the department feels that whichever school is taking online classes should mandatorily teach the entire syllabus after the school opens," Dotasara said.
The HC order also said that schools have an option to remove students who fail to pay the fee from online classes but can not cancel their admissions.
Talking about the order, the Education Minister made it clear that students and their parents will not be let down and no wrong with any school operators will be done.
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Dotasara added that after the re-opening of schools, a detailed guideline will be issued in view of the decision of the High Court to avoid any confusion between the parents, students and the schools.
Quashing speculations about the teaching of Urdu, the Minister added that Urdu is not being eliminated from the syllabus. Instead, the department is working on subjects where more than ten students are ready to take that up as their third language.
Soon, a decision will be taken in this regard, he concluded.