Kuchaman (Rajasthan): In an odious incident, three members of a family were allegedly hacked to death on Saturday night at Kumhari locality of Padukalan town. According to Rajasthan Police, the killer may be an acquaintance of the family. The police have detained the deceased's son Dilip Singh on the basis of suspicion and started questioning him. Sources say that the accused had surrendered after the incident.
The couple and their 15-year-old disabled minor daughter were killed with an axe during their sleep.
Cops after being alerted reached the spot. The deceased were identified as Dilip Singh, a resident of Padukalan town and his wife Rajesh Kanwar and daughter Priyanka.
Padu Kalan SHO Manvendra Singh said that murder happened when the three were sleeping on Saturday night.
The three dead bodies have been kept in Padu Kalan mortuary for post-mortem. As per police sources, primary investigation attributes the cause of the killings to family dispute. But further details are still awaited.
The man under the scanner is being extensively grilled to unveil the truth.
Padukalan is in the midst of complete shutdown after the triple murder.
The villagers thronged the police station in numbers. Locals also stood for hours outside the mortuary. Even the deceaseds' neighbours are all at sea regarding the reason behind the murder.
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