Jaipur: In his first major decision after taking over as the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Bhajan Lal Sharma on December 15 announced the formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the recent cases of paper leaks in the government recruitment examinations. Following his instructions, the home department ordered the state's Director General of Police (DGP), Umesh Mishra, to form the SIT, an official statement said on Saturday.
Sharma said that paper leaks have damaged young people's confidence. "The SIT will look into every one of these cases over the previous five years and make sure that the offenders face harsh punishment. We'll also ensure that there are no paper leaks in the future," he declared.
At the same time, an Anti-Gangster Task Force has been formed to stop organised crime in the state. Additional Director General of Police (ADG) VK Singh has been given the responsibility of managing the SIT formed to investigate paper leak cases.
Formation of Anti-Gangster Task Force: An Anti-Gangster Task Force will also be formed to bring an end to organised crimes in the state and take stringent action against gangs and gangsters that had thrived during the Congress rule. DGP Dinesh MN will spearhead this force, the CM said in his first media briefing.
Issue of women's safety: According to the BJP's election manifesto, the new Chief Minister declared that the "double engine government" will prioritise the protection of women above all. It will also eradicate corruption and make policies that would benefit farmers, women, youth and the impoverished.
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