Kota (Rajasthan): The police arrested a man for buying a puppy by allegedly submitting a fake cheque to the seller in Rajasthan's Kota area. The puppy has been handed over to the shopkeeper while the accused will be produced in the court of law, said SHO Vinod Kumar of Kaithunipol police station. The accused is identified as Kushal Kumar alias Kaushal Koli bought the puppy from one Ajay Kewat, a resident of Kunhadi in Surajpol.
In the police complaint, Ajay alleged that Kushal Kumar gave him a fake cheque, which bounced as the bank account concerned had been long closed. After the complaint, 36-year-old accused Kumar, who was already in jail in another fraud case, was arrested on production warrant. The puppy has also been recovered from him.
The 4-month-old dog of Pomeranian breed was recovered from the house of one Mohanlal in Sukhadia Colony. Police said that the accused keeps changing houses in different areas to keep police at bay and has 20 cases registered against him in Kota city under different sections including cheating, theft, assault etc.
SHO Vinod Kumar said that the accused has cheated many shopkeepers by telling them a wrong name, address and mobile number. A fake LED TV has also been recovered from the accused, police said.