Jodhpur: The death toll in the cylinder explosion during a wedding in Rajasthan's Jodhpur rose to 18 with six people succumbing to their injuries on Monday, an official said. The fresh victims have been identified as nine-year-old Lokendra Singh and his mother Jassu Kanwar, 30, Kiran Kanwar, 40, Dhapu Kanwar, 50, mother of the groom, Jamna Kanwar, 70, and Gawri Devi, 40, an official at the MG Hospital said.
Also read: Death toll in gas cylinder explosion in Jodhpur rises to 12
At least 34 others are undergoing treatment at the hospital, he added. The cylinder explosion at Bhungra village in Shergarh subdivision on Thursday triggered a fire and left more than 50 people injured. The injured included the groom, Surendra Singh, his parents and other family members. Two children had died on the spot and five had succumbed during treatment on Friday.
Five more died on Saturday, the hospital official said. A team of four doctors from Jaipur's SMS Hospital visited the burns unit of the MG Hospital and reviewed the treatment of the injured.