Dholpur: A 17-year-old student of Class X died by suicide on Wednesday by hanging himself allegedly due to exam stress in Madhavanad Colony in Dholpur, a day before the commencement of the Board examination. His 65-year-old landlord was shocked after seeing his body hanging from the ceiling and died of a heart attack. The police found a suicide note where the deceased sought an apology from his parents for ending his life, but did not cite any reason. Both bodies have been sent for post-mortem while investigation is on.
The deceased boy was identified as Pushpendra Rajput is the son of Leeladhar of Rahsaina village. The deceased landlord has been identified as Bahadur Singh. Nihalganj police station in-charge Vijay Meena said that the deceased lived in a rented room in Madhavnand Colony in Dholpur city and studied in a private school there. The deceased returned from his village on Wednesday morning as the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education's Class X examinations were scheduled to begin on Thursday, Meena said. The boy died by suicide by hanging himself to death on Wednesday night, he added.
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In the morning, when the boy did not wake up, the deceased landlord pushed the door open of his room and found his body hanging from the ceiling fan. Shocked at the sight, he reportedly suffered a massive heart attack and died on the spot, the police said. The family members of the boy said they did not exert pressure on the boy, but he was undergoing a lot of stress and was tense due to the upcoming examinations. It is likely that he might have resorted to the extreme step due to exam stress, they said. The police said a case has been registered in this connection and they were probing into the incident.