Chandigarh: The Vigilance Bureau of Punjab on Thursday arrested Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Ashish Kapoor, PPS, now posted as Commandant, 4th IRB, Pathankot, for allegedly taking a bribe of Rs 1 crore through different cheques. Besides, DSP Intelligence Pawan Kumar and ASI Harjinder Singh have also been mentioned as the accused.
A spokesperson of the Vigilance Bureau (VB) said the Bureau has registered a case under Sections 7, 7-A Prevention of Corruption Act and 420, 120-B of IPC against the above-mentioned accused. Further investigation, in this case, is under progress. The VB spokesman said that during his posting as Superintendent Jail at Central Jail, Amritsar in 2016, Kapoor had gotten acquainted with a lady named Poonam Rajan of Sector 30, Kurukshetra, Haryana who was under judicial remand in the Jail on some case.
Also read: Punjab: Vigilance Bureau arrests IFS officer on bribery charges
When Poonam Rajan, along with her mother Prem Lata, brother Kuldeep Singh and sister-in-law Preeti, was in police remand in a case FIR No. 151/2018 registered under section 420/120-B of IPC at police station Zirakpur, Ashish Kapoor went to the police station and fraudulently convinced Poonam Rajan's mother Prem Lata to help her getting bail and acquittal from the court, the VB spokesperson said.
He further said that after this Ashish Kapoor, in connivance with Pawan Kumar, the then SHO, police station Zirakpur and ASI Harjinder Singh, (No. 459/SGR), got Preeti, sister-in-law of Poonam Rajan declared innocent in the case. In lieu of that favor, Ashish Kapoor obtained the signatures of Prem Lata on different cheques amounting to Rs 1,00,00,000 and deposited them under the names known to him and got them encashed through ASI Harjinder Singh, the VB spokesperson said.
The spokesperson said by doing so, the accused Ashish Kapoor, Pawan Kumar and Harjinder Singh have committed offenses under the Prevention of Corruption Act and 420, 120-B of IPC and have been mentioned as accused in the present case.