Gurudaspur: Punjab Police arrested a gangster after a brief exchange of fire at a village near Batala in Gurdaspur district on Saturday. The incident was reported in the Kotla Bhoja village of Halka Batala of Gurdaspur and the police had rounded up the hinding hole of gangster who is identified as Bablu.
Preliminary information revealed that the police acting an a tipoff tailed Bablu who was hiding with his child and wife in a secluded spot. On the sight of police, Bablu got into his car with his family and attempted to flee. Following short-chase, Bablu abandoned the car and ran into the field in his bid to escape police.
Police said a few rounds were fired from both sides and no casualties were reported during the preliminary assessment. Sources said the gangster, his wife and child, all three are now in police custody. The entire area has been cardoned off and heavy posse of force has been deployed in the locality. Police officers are tight lipped about the crimes Bablu was connected to which led to their action.