Chandigarh: The Punjab government on Monday imposed a ban on tractor stunts. Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann sharing this information on X (formerly Twitter) said that a tractor is the 'King of the Fields' and it should not be the messenger of death for youths of the state. An order to this effect was also issued banning tractor stunts in the state.
"Dear Punjabi tractor is called 'King of Fields'...don't make it messenger of death..any kind of stunt or dangerous performance with tractor and related implements is banned in details soon"... read the translated version of Bhagwant Mann's micro-blogging site X.
Performing stunts during a rural sporting event has gained popularity in the hinterlands of Punjab. A 29-year-old youth, Sukhmandeep Singh, while performing stunts died during a sporting event on Sunday.
But, the painful death of Sukhmandeep in Gurdaspur on Sunday compelled the State government to impose a ban on such dangerous stunts. The youth was performing stunts on his tractor. But, his vehicle got imbalanced and he tried to balance it again. In the process, he came under the rear wheel of the tractor and was crushed to death in front of the spectators.
Also read: Man crushed to death while performing tractor stunt in Punjab's Gurdaspur