Chandigarh: The Punjab Haryana High Court has suspended a Principal District Judge of Family Court and recommended dismissal of services of another judicial officer after the two were accused of large-scale corruption, sources said. Sources said that acting Chief Justice Ritu, who headed the full court in the Punjab Haryana High Court, has recommended the dismissal of Anmol Singh Nair from judicial service, while the services of Tarsem Mangala, Principal District Judge, Family Court, Faridkot have been suspended.
It is learnt that Tarsem Mangala, a Punjab cadre officer who was posted as a secretary in the Legal Services Authority and who was working as the Principal District Judge of the Family Court of Faridkot, is accused of corruption and amassing assets worth crores by abusing his position. A petition by the relatives of the accused seeking an ED probe into these allegations is also pending in the High Court. The High Court has issued a notice to the Registrar of the High Court, the Director of the Enforcement Directorate and others in this regard.
Following the allegations, the High Court has issued suspension orders against Mangala. Mangala's relative had filed a petition in the High Court alleging that Tarsem Mangala had bought property worth crores of rupees by abusing his position as a judge. Enforcement Directorate, I.D.I. And the inquiry committee of the High Court had also submitted its report, after which the full bench recommended the suspension of Tarsem Mangala.
Meanwhile, the High Court has also recommended dismissal from service of Haryana cadre officer Anmol Singh Nair posted as secretary in the Legal Services Authority. After considering the District Judge's inquiry and recommendation against him, the Court has sent the recommendation for his dismissal to the Governor of Haryana.