Amritsar (Punjab): A 34-year-old woman, Anju Rafael (now known as Fatima) from Rajasthan who had travelled to Pakistan to marry her Facebook friend, Nasrullah, in July, has returned to India on Wednesday. She came India via Wagah border following the interrogation of agencies. Anju was taken to Amritsar airport from where she would take the flight to Delhi.
Anju fell in love and got married with the Pakistani man on July 25 this year. The woman hails from Guna district of Madhya Pradesh and her ex husband Arvind is from Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh. The wedding video was examined by Indian agencies at the Wagah border. In August, Pakistan had extended by one year the visa of Anju, who was renamed Fatima following her conversion to Islam and marriage to Nasrullah.
"We are waiting for the NOC (No-Objection Certificate) from the interior ministry in Islamabad for which we have already applied. The NOC process is a bit lengthy and it takes time to complete," Anju's Pakistani husband said. As soon as the documents are completed for in and out at the Wagah Border point, Anju will travel to India, he said.
Also Read: Anju, who travelled to Pakistan to marry Facebook friend, to return India after getting NOC from Pak