Amritsar: A Special Task Force (STF) team of the Punjab Police on Friday arrested four youths, including a Class 8 student, from whom large quantities of drugs have been recovered. As per information, the arrest took place inside a housing society located near the Amritsar airport. Initially, two among the accused were arrested, following which they were interrogated and two more arrests followed.
Speaking to the media, IG Border Range Mohnish Chawla on Friday confirmed the arrest. "About 1 kg of heroin, smuggled to India using drones, was recovered from the accused. One of the accused, a 15 years old student, has been sent to a juvenile correctional facility."
He also said that the arrests would hopefully "succeed in breaking a big chain" regarding the drug trafficking problem. The four accused were identified as Sukhwinder Singh, Dilbag Singh, Harpreet Singh, and Lakhwinder Singh. The gang is yet to be produced before the court.
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