Amritsar (Punjab): The Punjab police on Friday arrested the famous 7.6-foot tall ex-constable of the Punjab police, Jagdeep Singh also known as Deep Singh, with heroin at Tarn Taran in Punjab. The State Special Operation Cell team has registered a case against him and also arrested two other associates of the ex-constable. Due to his impressive height of 7.6 feet, Singh became one of the known faces after appearing in Western country's most-talked reality show- America's Got Talent season 14, where he performed Gatka Khel, a form of self-defence martial arts of yore, performed in Punjab.
According to reports, the accused are to be produced in the court and after that, they will be remanded and questioned. Authorities have started further proceedings regarding the case. The officials said that Jagdeep used to keep a sticker of Punjab police in front of his car due to which he was never questioned at the border gates. Taking advantage of this, he misused his designation and was allegedly involved in drug trafficking.
The State Special Operation Cell received information about the delivery of 500 grams of heroin across the border. After that, the police conducted an intelligence operation in Tarn Taran and the accused reached there by his Bolero. The police immediately caught him and also recovered 500 grams of heroin from him.
Deep was already famous for his exceptional height, but after appearing in films and reality shows, he gained more popularity. He was supposed to go to America, but was detained by the police before that. He will now be produced by the police in court.
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