Hyderabad: In a shocking incident, an eye of a dead man was allegedly gouged out at the morgue in Angul District Headquarters Hospital of Odisha, on Monday night. It is second such incident at the hospital, in last one week as the eyes of a dead minor girl were found removed, raising suspicion.
On Monday evening, Jambeswar Nayak hailing from Jarapada area of the district, 130 km from the state capital, was killed in an accident, after his bike had a collision with a pickup van. His body was kept in the morgue of the hospital as the post-mortem could not be completed on that day. When the body was being taken for autopsy, the family members alleged that the right eye was missing.
Jambeswar’s relative Prasanna Nayak told ETV Bharat: “He met with an accident yesterday. Our people along with police had kept the dead body in the morgue so that post-mortem to be conducted. Yesterday his eyes were intact when we had kept his body, but when we took his body out today, one eye is missing.”
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“We want justice. How the eyes are missing? We want to know the truth. It is my relative today; someone else will face the same fate tomorrow. We want justice,” he demanded.
Following the incident, enraged relatives along with local people protested placing the dead body in front of CDMO office. Tension prevailed in the area for some time until district police reached the spot to take stock of the situation.
Jadunath Hansda, Additional SP of Angul said: “We are probing the incident. It is difficult to say anything at this stage as there as we are waiting for the medical reports.”
Reportedly, in a similar incident, the eyes of the four-year-old dead girl were gouged a few days ago in the same hospital. The incident is being probed by the Health Director.
Angul unit of BJP has called for a dawn to dusk bandh alleging that a racket is working behind the scene.
BJP leader Pradip Pradhan alleged, “The authorities seem to be working hand in glove with a racket that is working to take out eyes from dead bodies. Otherwise, how can one get access to the morgue to take out eyes from dead bodies.”