Bhubaneswar: Among the frontline warriors battling the deadly coronavirus, police personnel are the ones who have left no stone unturned in ensuring the strict compliance of the lockdown. Cops deployed in Bhubaneswar are working not less than 18 hours per day, staying away from their families and friends to break the chain of the virus transmission.
Braving all odds and risking their lives, these officers have kept their emotions aside and are rendering selfless service to the nation at this hour of crisis.
Banita Moharana, Inspector Incharge of Women Police Station Bhubaneswar, has a 2-year-old daughter, whom she last met before the announcement of the lockdown. She interacts with her daughter via video conferencing as her family lives at Nayagarh which is 100 km away from Bhubaneswar.
"We have to urge people to stay home. We are spreading awareness in the society about COVID-19 lockdown rules. Our personal lives have been affected due to the present situation as we are staying away from our family. If people stay indoors and we win this battle then we could see our family," she said.
"We are taking all precautions. We are proud of the fact that we are serving the nation at this hour. Because of us, children of our country are secured," she added.
Stressing on social distancing and need to take all precautionary measures, she said: "It is like a biological war, where we are not familiar with the enemy. It is better to be prepared for every challenge and take all precautionary measures. It is important for everyone to stay home. Our families are worried about us as we are exposed to infection but it is a part of our duty. We have received a chance to serve the nation. This is a proud moment for us and the nation always comes first for us."
Inputs from ANI