Mumbai: Former Chief Minister and Shiv Sena party chief Uddhav Thackeray's family was booked on Thursday late at night under the 19 bungalow scam of Alibaug, said BJP leader Kirit Somaiya. The case was registered with Kolai, Revdanda Police Station, Raigad and Rashmi allegedly owned the bungalows, he said.
Kirit Somaiya, in a video statement, said that a case has been registered with the Revdanda Police Station in Kolai in connection with the 19 bungalow scam against Uddhav's wife Rashmi. The complaint was filed by Sangita Laxman Bhangre (Village Development Officer, Murud) and a case was registered against the Korlai Gram Panchayat officials for cheating, colluding and falsifying the records of 19 bungalows.
There were allegations that when Uddhav Thackeray did not reveal records of the 19 bungalows which belonged to his wife in the affidavit he filed during the elections. Somaiya asked why should Thackeray hide the ownership. Thackeray bought the properties in March 2014 but the properties were transferred in Thackerays’ name in November 2020, Somaiya alleged.
Somaiya who has been actively pursuing the former CM in the Alibaug bungalows scam said now Thackerays will have to submit the complete record during the investigation of the case. Somaiya further said the erstwhile Shiv Sena leaders denied the allegations and swept the matter under the carpet.
Since the Shinde-Fadnavis government was installed, it has revived the investigations into the 19 bungalows scam and the authorities have also launched a thorough probe into the matter. "CM Uddhav Thackeray didn't disclose 19 Houses of 23,500 Square Feet, Valued at Rs 5.29 Crore in his Election Affidavit," Somaiya had said in a tweet.
Uddhav Thackeray and Waikar's family had claimed that the then Collector Nidhi Chaudhary and Zillah Parishad CEO Kiran Patil helped them in the purchase. Subsequently, Somaiya also demanded to press criminal charges against these officials along with Thackeray and Waikar's family.