Buldhana: In a video that went viral on Thursday, a female student was seen writing the examination in the headmaster's office at a school in a village of the district even after the allotted time was over.
The incident happened in the Chhatrapati Shivaji High School in Devalgaon Mahi village at the Buldhana district. When the matter came to the attention of students, they started making a noise on the matter.
The student -- who was writing the examination in the headmaster's office -- was reportedly identified as the daughter of a politician in that area.
Taking action in the matter, the Education Department has removed Centre in-charge SS Pawar, deputy in-charge GA Munde and supervisor Amol Inglae.
Buldhana Education Officer said an inquiry was being done.
"We have issued an order to initiate an immediate inquiry into the matter. We have also taken the statements of two individuals. Apart from this, we have also taken testimonies of students as well," Panjhade told.
"Based on the investigation, we have action will be taken," Panjhade added.
Teachers of other schools would be taking over the reins of the examination centre.
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