Mumbai: A 27-year-old man on Thursday was arrested for allegedly hacking the password of a passport office in Mumbai, in order to impress his wife. The accused has been identified as Rajababu Shah, a software engineer. The incident took place on September 24, 2022, which was a government holiday. The matter came to light to the passport office officials after two days, on September 26.
According to sources, the accused hacked the passport office system to impress his wife. He cleared the files of three applicants including his wife. The South Regional Division of the Cyber Police then started an investigation into this matter. The three women whose files were cleared were interrogated thoroughly. One of them had applied as she wanted to go for a job abroad.
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Rajababu was arrested from Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad with the help of technical evidence. During the interrogation, he confessed to the crime and said that his wife wanted to go abroad, so he cleared the passport by hacking the password to impress her. Accused Rajababu cleared the passport files of three women in Mumbai from the ID of a woman officer.
The accused was arrested after the police traced the IP address. Meanwhile, a case was registered against the accused on the complaint of Police Inspector Pandurang Sawant. A separate password ID has been given to the police officer at the passport office, police sources said.