Mumbai (Maharashtra): Bollywood actress Sherlyn Chopra reached Juhu police station to lodge a complaint against director Sajid Khan. She also urged the makers of the reality show Bigg Boss 16 to evict Sajid from the show. Filmmaker Sajid has been accused of sexual assault allegations under the #MeToo movement. Following these allegations, many actors have refused to work with Sajid.
While talking to the media, the actress said, "I have come to the police station to lodge a complaint against filmmaker Sajid Khan, who is a habitual molester. I have come to lodge a complaint against him under IPC section 453, 453 A. Police have given me assurance that I will be called to record my statement very soon."
Also read: In a #MeToo moment, Hollywood figures face season of trials
She said that she has sent a letter to Union Minister Anurag Thakur requesting him to stop broadcasting Bigg Boss 16 until Sajid is inside the house. I have also been requesting Bigg Boss management to evict Sajid from the show, but they do not understand our pain."