Solan: Maharashtra police on Monday have registered a case against Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut for allegedly revealing the identity of a minor girl, who was raped early this month. Raut on Saturday tweeted the photograph of the injured girl, lying in a pool of blood. The victim, a class XII student, of Pardhi community was allegedly raped by two men on March 5. The next day, the accused allegedly attacked the girl and even tried to kill her. Both the accused, Akshay Vinayak Mane (23) and Namdev Siddheshwar Dalvi (24) of Belawadi and Barshi in Solapur district were arrested.
In his tweet, tagging Maharashtra deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis, Raut had accused that BJP-sponsored goons of carrying out the fatal attack. He wrote that her case should not be ignored just because she did not belong to any reputed family. He also wrote that though the attack took place on March 5, the accused were not acted upon.
BJP leader Chitra Wagh had raised objections at the photograph tweeted by Raut. Wagh had tagged the chief minister, home minister and home department demanding action against Raut. The Barshi police registered a case against the Shiv Sena MP for revealing the victim's identity on Twitter, superintendent of police Shirish Sardeshpande said.
Police said the girl had received serious injuries on her head and hand with fingers of her right hand fractured. She is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Solapur, police said. The girl's parents have demanded that the accused should be hanged for the crime. A demand has also been raised for trying the accused in a fast track court. Their connection with political leaders has also gone viral on the social media.