Mumbai: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday conducted searches at two locations and interrogated three suspects in Nagpur Maharashtra in connection with the ongoing probe into Ghazwa-e-Hind' terror module case, officials said. Official sources said that a team of NIA sleuths arrived in Nagpur early today morning and headed to Badi Majeed area of Satranjipura area under Lakadganj police station limits of Nagpur around 4 am for searches.
In the Badi Majeed area, the NIA also interrogated three suspects identified as Ahmed Akhtar and Abdul Namak all locals from Satranjipura in connection with the case, an official said. Besides, the NIA team also questioned another suspect in the Kotwali police station limits. After questioning the trio based on suspicious WhatsApp chats, the NIA team has seized their mobile phones for further probe.
Also read: NGO terror funding case: NIA arrests program coordinator of J-K Coalition of Civil Societies
Sources said that the three suspects are affiliated with an organization named 'Jamaat e Raza' adding the search for the leader of the outfit, who is absconding, is going on. Officials said that today's raids in Nagpur are in connection with the probe into the Ghazwa-e-Hind' WhatasApp group operated by a Pakistan based individual to recruit Indian youth into terror folds in a bid to turn India into an Islamic state through violent means.
Sources said that a total of 20 to 22 officers were involved in the NIA's today's operation in Nagpur. Pertinently, the National Investigation Agency on Wednesday arrested Khurram Parvez, the program coordinator of the Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Societies (JKCCS), and Chairperson of Philippines based NGO Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) in an alleged NGO terror funding case.
His was the 2nd arrest in the case. The preceding day, Kashmiri journalist Irfan Mehraj was also arrested in the case. The NGO terror funding case was registered in October 2020 for allegedly propagating the secessionist agenda and collecting funds from various international entities based abroad and channelizing money for funding terror activities in the Kashmir valley.